This university project is a title design for the fictional series "The Dominion Initiative". The story is set in the DDR in Germany, 1949, where the protagonist finds himself as part of a secret UdSSR cloning project, while the world is on the verge of WW3.
The goal of this project was to craft a title sequence for a fictional movie or series that not only hints at the plot but also tells its own story. An effective opener should invite interpretation and foreshadowing, sparking excitement and curiosity in the audience.
In the aftermath of World War II, the world tries to heal, but in the shadows of Eastern Germany, the Soviets are brewing away to create an army of human clones engineered to serve as loyal warriors of the state and slowly, secretly in- filtrate the eastern german population. The blueprint for this experiment is Patient Zero—a failed prototype, cast aside and brainwashed to live as a normal boy in a poor, broken family. The protagonist, now 16, is haunted by a deep sense of otherness. Raised in poverty and alienated from his peers, he feels like an outsider. Strange occurrences begin to unfold—he notices people who act, think and feel disturbingly like him, moving through society in ways that make him question the world he knows. Driven by a growing fear and a desire to know the truth, the protagonist uncovers the terrifying extent of the Soviet cloning project, known as The Dominion Initiative. Secretly building an army of cloned soldiers, intend to infiltrate Western society, using these clones as sleeper agents to initiate a new global conflict—World War III. But the greatest battle is within himself: grappling with his purpose, identity, and belonging. With the world on the verge of another war, he must decide whether to become the weapon he was designed to be or fight for his own humanity.
Given the series' cold and dark theme, the title sequence was designed to evoke a similar atmosphere. A cold and muted color palette was selected, with greens and blues contrasted by elements in orange and beige tones. The music, chosen early in the process, sets the pacing and rhythm. 'Kirov Renewed' was the perfect choice, offering a cold, unsettling tone with hints of a Soviet hymn. The title sequence is designed to maintain an air of mystery around the protagonist, allowing for interpretation and foreshadowing of his complex background. It aims to draw parallels between the global conflict and his personal identity crisis. Through imagery and metaphors, such as the chess pawn symbolizing his background and role, as well as the train representing his quest for identity, the sequence subtly hints at his origins and purpose.
During the storyboarding phase, it became evident that the project would require a variety of animation techniques and mediums. After refining the story and animatic, the initial step involved filming real footage, which served as the foundation for the CG shots that required the most time. For the train shot, camera movements were matched in 3D using Blender's tracking tool. The train was constructed using open-source assets and retextured. To allow for greater flexibility and efficiency, the background was generated with AI. Other shots, though less complex, also employed mixed techniques. Assets like the analog filmstrip were created from personal scans.
All shots were meticulously composed in After Effects. To evoke the era in which the series is set, 2D textures like dust and imperfections were added, creating an authentic old and analog feel. The title font was carefully chosen to complement the setting, with its cold metallic appearance reinforcing the theme.
Camera Sony A7iii
Software Adobe AfterEffects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Photoshop Blender
Music Chris Blackwell, Terry Devine-King: Kirov Renewed